Will responsibility dissolve into algorithms? (Part 3)


The last part of the three-part series addresses questions about the liability of AI methods. When these are raised, things get tricky. Prof. Dr Marcus Becker and his team found in analyses, that the lack of transparency of algorithmic systems makes the legal examination of liability rules more difficult, as shown by the example of investment advice (robo-advisors).


Will responsibility dissolve into algorithms? (Part 2)


Part 2 of the three-part article series looks at the lack of transparency in artificial intelligence processes. This poses a significant problem, as those affected can hardly understand decisions and identify possible errors or damage. Prof. Becker therefore calls for black box algorithms to be made transparent in order to ensure appropriate responsibility.


Will responsibility dissolve into algorithms? (Part 1)


At a time when artificial intelligence is conquering broad areas of the world of work, healthcare and finance, questions are increasingly being asked about the benefits and how these algorithms are designed. Particularly as AI is already being entrusted with significant fields of activity. But how can artificial intelligence be linked to responsibility?


Which of the four learning types are you?


Whether it’s planned during exam preparation or by chance in everyday life: We all learn throughout our lives and acquire new knowledge until old age. But why does it seem that learning is easier for some people than for others? This may also be due to the learning situation. Different learning situations and materials are ideal for different types of learners. [...]


Your guide to Stuttgart


Stuttgart is a city full of history, culture, happiness and my home town. I was born and raised in this city and would say that as a local I know many of its most beautiful sides. If you are new in Stuttgart and are asking yourself "Where can I go out to eat?", "Where can I party?" or "What is the best place for studying?", I’d like to present this guide to the sixth-largest German city to you.


5 tips to fight exam anxiety


Nausea, wet hands, a rapid heartbeat or trembling knees – those who suffer from exam anxiety know that it can be a real challenge. But exam nerves can be overcome with the right strategies. In this article, you will learn more about exam anxiety and what you can do about it. [...]


Working visa Germany - How to get a work permit in Germany


Many international students decide to start their career in Germany after studying at a German University. Additionally, it is possible to search for a workplace in Germany after you have finished your studies in another country. In this article, we give you an overview over the most important regulations you need to know to get a working visa Germany and enter the German job market. [...]


How to get a student visa for Germany


With the decision to study abroad you have taken a brave and exciting step. Before you can start this adventure, you have to take care of necessary preparations. One of the most important steps is applying for a visa for international students so you can enter the country and stay there during the course of your studies. [...]


Careers in logistics


In short, if you work in logistics, you make sure customers worldwide receive their products without delay, thus ensuring everything is working as it should be – supermarket shelves are fully stocked, orders arrive on schedule and firms continue to produce at full capacity. [...]


Ten tips for your study time in Germany


Your dream is to study in Germany but you still have some open questions and are wondering about what to expect from life in Germany? Don’t worry, other students have been in this position as well and can give you helpful advice. We have asked International School of Management student Erblina Rushiti about her experiences and her tips for international students in Germany. [...]

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