Entrepreneurship as a Service
ISM encourages members of our university, such as students, researchers and employees, to develop business ideas and found their own startup. For this reason, we launched the project 'Entrepreneurship as a Service', which is financially supported by EXIST and the Federal Ministery of Economic Affairs and Energy. The project aims to connect interested founders within the ISM network and provide them with existant university ressources. The project is directly supervised by Prof. Ingo Böckenholt as president of the ISM.
We encourage business ideas and entrepreneurship culture at ISM

ISM Startup Community
ISM Startup Community provides the opportunity to network and exchange business ideas with other founders using Microsoft Teams and LinkedIn.
In case of further questions, please contact Christina Vlachantonis (

Startup Coaching
You can receive consulting from our advisors at any ISM location. Feel free to contact us, even with a very early stage of a business idea.
- Dortmund & Berlin:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Frankfurt, Hamburg & Stuttgart:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - München & Köln:
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Start-up Events
Entrepreneurs in Residence
Our Entrepreneurs in Residence already successfully founded a business and will answer your questions around becoming an entrepreneur. They are regularly at ISM, share their experience and support the creative potential of ISM students.
Get to know our Entrepreneurs in Residence!

EaaS | Entrepreneurship as a Service - On your way to founding your own business
Our Cooperative Network

Do you have further Questions? Contact us!

Campus Dortmund, Frankfurt, Stuttgart & Berlin
Felix Fronapfel

Campus Cologne, Munich & Hamburg
Sarah Siepelmeyer

Prof. Ulrich Lichtenthaler