Rankings and Accreditations
Rankings of the International School of Management (ISM)
For years, the ISM has been featured at the top of various university rankings. Also, the ISM is the only private German university of applied sciences that holds the international AACSB accreditation and is recognized by the German state via various national accreditation bodies.

International AACSB Accreditation
ISM has received the prestigious AACSB accreditation and is the first private German University of Applied Sciences to be honored at the highest level by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Only about 6% of the world universities are awarded the international AACSB accreditation.
Outstanding quality in teaching, committed lecturers also in applied research who proactively support students, successful cooperation with companies and international universities as well as excellent career entry opportunities for graduates - these were the key requirements for the renowned AACSB accreditation. The International School of Management (ISM) has been working towards this for years.
Receiving the AACSB accreditation was a major milestone for ISM, commented ISM President and General Manager Professor Dr Ingo Böckenholt: "It is currently the most prestigious international accreditation for a business school."
The key requirements for receiving the prestigious accreditation are:
- highest quality in teaching
- committed lecturers who proactively support students
- professors with lots of applied research activities
- productive cooperation with companies and international universities
- excellent career entry opportunities for graduates.
About the AACSB
The "Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business" was founded in 1916 by top US universities such as Harvard, Yale and Berkeley. Since the end of the 1990s, accreditations have also been issued outside the USA. AACSB accreditation is linked to multiple quality criteria: course content, teaching methods, quality of lecturers, student support and research activities, infrastructure, close ties to business practice and the transition to professional life and internationality.
CHE Rankings
One of the most detailed rankings in German-speaking countries
Since many years, the ISM continues to receive excellent positions in the CHE University Ranking. ISM ranks among the top groups in the most important categories: Advice and support at the start of studies, graduation within a reasonable time, professional practice and applied work experience.
This shows that ISM has succeeded in expanding the high standards at all its seven locations in Germany.

About the CHE ranking
The CHE university ranking is one of the most detailed rankings in German-speaking countries and considered an excellent source of information for prospective students. For the CHE ranking, information on studying, teaching and research at German universities was examined and around 120,000 students were surveyed.
Universum Student Study Survey
One of the largest international surveys of students on their future career ideas, career plans and satisfaction with the university they're studying at
In the student survey, the ISM received particularly good marks for:
- Varied career opportunities
- Close contacts to the economy
- Many opportunities to study abroad and complete internships
Our ISM students feel very well prepared for the job market and appreciate getting to know potential employers during their studies.

Top marks for international orientation & practical relevance
About the Universum Survey
The Universum Student Study is one of the largest international surveys of students on their future career ideas, career plans and satisfaction with the university they're studying at.

One of the largest worldwide university rankings and contains data on 1,600 universities from over 95 countries
The ISM shines in the current investigation of the U-Multirank (2022) and scored particularly well in the following areas:
- International Academic Staff
- Student Mobility
- Professional Publications
- Foreign Language Bachelor Programmes
- Foreign Language Master Programs
The ranking thus confirms above all ISM’s strong practical relevance, internationality and diverse network.
About U-Multirank
U-Multirank is one of the largest university rankings and contains data on 1600 universities from over 95 countries. The U-Multirank ranking is thus particularly informative for international students to help guide their university choice.
Global MBA Ranking
by CEO Magazine
As one of only five German business schools, ISM convinces with quality of teaching and practical relevance. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the ISM campuses Munich and Dortmund can thus compare with major international providers. Unique to ISM are the integrated semester abroad and the professional coaching of students.
In their MBA ranking, CEO Magazine listed the ISM for three times in a row in the top tier of global MBA providers. ISM is was highlighted above all for its excellently qualified teaching staff who also have many years of practical experience in relevant positions. The international composition of the study groups was also highlighted.

Top position
in the global MBA ranking
Trendence University ranking
This study barometer focuses on the quality of teaching, internationality, practical relevance and study advice
Over 1 million participants took part in the Universum survey 2023, making this the world's largest talent survey. The survey analyzed the aspirations of students, to find out how they match up with the perception of the ISM itself. Valuable findings from this survey include:
- ISM career types: globe-trotter and ground-breaker
- Formative experiences: through internships and study abroad
- Top influence factors on university choice: University website - Information events - University ranking
- Top attributes of ISM: Opportunities to study abroad - Friendly & open environment - Attractive location
- Top attributes regarding employability: Starting point for an international career - Opportunities to interact with employers - Good relations with employers
- Top offers of the ISM Career Service: Career counseling - Job portal - CV writting training.

Excellent results in the fields of lecturer quality & practical relevance
Stern Magazine Ranking
The German news magazine "Stern" (2023) has published a ranking of the best continuing education programs for students and adults alike. In the category "Private universities", ISM made it into the top 3 ranks. We were rated very well in the following categories:
- Quality of learning
- Price-performance ratio
- Student satisfaction

The ISM has been state-approved indefinitely.

ISM is one of the first private universities nationwide, which has twice subsequently held an institutional accreditation for over ten years.

State recognition
The ISM is recognized by the Ministry of Science of North Rhine-Westphalia for an unlimited period of time.
State recognition of a university is always granted by the Ministry of Science of the federal state in which the university has its headquarters.
Through state recognition, the degrees obtained at the ISM are equal to those obtained at state universities.
- The German Council of Science and Humanities is an important science policy advisory body in Germany. Within the framework of institutional accreditation, it examines whether the university is in a position to provide teaching and research according to recognized scientific standards.
- In 2004, the ISM received an Institutional Accreditation for the maximum possible period of ten years. In 2015 it was accredited again for another ten years.
- ISM was one of the first private universities in Germany to achieve this.
- In order to ensure professional and content standards of higher education, the German federal states have established an accreditation system for study programs and placed it under the control of the Accreditation Council.
- A team of experts assesses, among other things
- the qualifications imparted in the study program,
- the study ability,
- the examination system,
- personnel capacities and
- the material and spatial equipment of the university.
- All study programs of the ISM have successfully passed the examination procedure of the Accreditation Council and bear its seal of quality.
- The ISM study programs meet all the strict quality requirements of the FIBAA FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation).
- The FIBAA places particular emphasis on internationality, professional qualifications and economic proximity.
- The ISM's study programs receive particularly good evaluations regularly for
- advising prospective students,
- the supervision of students by lecturers and administrative staff and
- the practical knowledge of the lecturers.

AACSB Membership
The International School of Management (ISM) is a member of AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business www.aacsb.edu/about. AACSB is a global nonprofit association that connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: creating the next generation of great leaders.

PRME Membership
ISM is a member of PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education), an initiative of the UN Global Compact, the corporate network of the United Nations for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. Universities play a vital role in the process of educating managerial staff for all areas of society, which can turn them into a driving force for sustainable development and responsible cooperate governance.
around 190
partner universities worldwide
nationalities across all ISM programs
faculty/student ratio
many professors are CEOs and practitioners, over 50 international and guest lecturers
100 %
Open door policy
ISM Corporate Mission
Be a leading business school in Germany with a focus of internationalisation and industry outreach.
We put a strong emphasis on applied education, international mindset and individual learning experiences. In this way, we inspire students to become responsible business professionals in a world marked by global, digital and sustainable transformations.
- Provide excellent teaching
- Enhance applied research and promote young researchers
- Foster international reach and partnerships
- Promote cooperation with the business community
- Drive digital transformation
- Strenghten commitment to sustainability
Your Bachelor Study Advisors
Campus Dortmund
Christopher Pereira
+49 231.97 51 39-43
Campus Frankfurt
Qian Ye
+49 69.66 05 93 67-43
Campus Munich
Ana Kammerer
+49 89.2 00 03 50 - 53
Campus Cologne
Angelina Hallmann
+49 221.27 09 95-43
Campus Stuttgart
Luigi Serafino
+49 711.51 89 62-143
Campus Berlin
Marrit Koenig
+49 30.3 15 19 35-22
Campus Hamburg
Rebecca Jung
+49 40.3 19 93 39-46
Your Master Study Advisors
Campus Dortmund
Christopher Pereira
+49 231.97 51 39-43
Campus Frankfurt/Main
Yosra Salah
+49 69.66 05 93 67-49
Campus Stuttgart
Antonio Luna
+49 711.51 89 62-243
Campus Munich
Nina Weidemann
+49 89.2 00 03 50-42
Campus Cologne
Ioulia Aslanidou
+49 221.27 09 95-54
Campus Hamburg
Jana Gripshöfer
+49 40.3 19 93 39-42
Campus Berlin
Sindy Rode
+49 30.3 15 19 35-175
Your Student Advisory Service
Campus Munich
Nina Weidemann
+49 89.2 00 03 50-42
Campus Berlin
Sindy Rode
+49 30.3 15 19 35-175
Your Student Advisory Service
Campus Dortmund
Christopher Pereira
+49 231.97 51 39-43
Your Study Advisors for Distance Learning (online programs)

Marcella Brockerhoff

Aysenur Bektas
+49 711 51 89 62-221