Master Entrepreneurship – Der Traum vom eigenen Unternehmen

Program Content – M.A. Entrepreneurship

Master Entrepreneurship - The dream of your own company

In four semesters, including a semester abroad and a practice-oriented master's thesis, the Master in Entrepreneurship prepares you intensively for the requirements and tasks of business management. In addition to modules in governance, project and growth management or financing, you will also be trained in specific topics such as succession management. Before you go into your semester abroad, you will work on a start-up in a practical project and develop a mature business plan.

Of course, leadership skills and legal training are also embedded in the course of study. All content is practice-oriented, so that you are well equipped for international jobs after completing the program.

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Program Content M.A. Entrepreneurship

Work placement (12 ECTS)

Fast Track: On the Fast Lane

With the option "Fast Track" the semester abroad is omitted and you shorten your internship period. This allows you to complete your master's degree in only 3 semesters with 90 ECTS. Prerequisite: you bring 210 ECTS from your Bachelor (an alternative admission to Fast Track is possible via demonstrated work experience or by taking the ISM Pre-Master). Find out more from your study advisor.

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