How did the idea of founding Schwarz+Matt come about and what were the first steps?
The idea of setting up my own company had been on my mind since my first semesters at ISM. After graduating, I then had the opportunity to help set up a larger chain of photo studios. However, as an employee. After a few years, the desire to have my own company grew. The agency was then the perfect platform to get started quickly, learn a lot and put as many ideas as possible into practice.
With Schwarz+Matt, we focused on building a strong brand right from the start. Finding a name and developing the corporate image were therefore our top priorities. Incidentally, the name works very well and attracts the necessary attention, so that we have hardly had to actively acquire customers to date.
What do you particularly like about being a founder and your work?
What have been the biggest challenges for you so far? Would you do anything differently today?
The step into complete self-employment was a particular challenge. Quitting your existing job and taking a big risk is personally demanding on all levels. However, I have never regretted this step to this day.
I wouldn't do much differently, because entrepreneurship involves gaining a lot of experience. It takes time and is often not an easy path. But it is precisely this learning process that makes good entrepreneurs. The only thing I would have done differently would have been to take this path sooner and more consistently.
From full-service agency to brand development specialist: As an agency, you always have your finger on the pulse of the times and the needs of your customers.
What upcoming developments do you see for your industry? What potential is opening up through AI?
What do you think makes Dortmund special, both for studying and as a business location?
You initially studied at a public university of applied sciences. Why did you then decide to study at a private university?
Even after graduating, you are still closely associated with ISM, whether as a lecturer or as a speaker at events. What excites you about teaching and interacting with students?
What is your best memory of your studies?
What tip or piece of advice would you give ISM students?

Are you interested in building brands? Then study the Bachelor's in Marketing & Communications Management like André or take a look at our Master's in Strategic Marketing Management.
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