Internationale Stipendien

Carefree travel and study abroad: get financial support through scholarships

For your compulsory semester or internship abroad, you have the opportunity to apply for a variety of scholarships. The International Office of the ISM is always available to help you with your application and counselling regarding these financing options.


Within the framework of Erasmus+, the flagship among the EU action programs for education and training, ISM supports its students and lecturers every year in learning & teaching abroad in Europe.

Erasmus+ Studies

During your semester abroad, you will have the opportunity to study at our European Erasmus+ partner universities with an Erasmus+ grant. The monthly Erasmus+ grant can range from €490 - €600 per month, depending on the country category*. You do not have to apply separately for an Erasmus+ scholarship - the organization is handled by the International Office.

Erasmus+ Internship

You have the possibility to apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship at the International Office if you are going to do an internship in one of the Erasmus+ program countries. The scholarship can be between 640-750 € per month, depending on the country category*.

Erasmus+ Country Categories
Students receive the regular monthly stipend for three months of their study abroad or for two months of their internship abroad.
  • Group 1 (600 Euro/month*): Dennmark, Finland, Irland, Island, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden.
  • Group 2 (540 Euro/month*): Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus.
  • Group 3 (490 Euro/month*): Bulgaria, Estland, Croatia, Letonia, Lithuania, Poland, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary.
  • (* current scholarship amounts, top-ups of up to 150 Euro for internships)

Program novelties

New are the Top-ups for students with fewer opportunities and the Top Up "Green Travel".


For the Top-up qualify students with fewer opportunities. These students will receive a Top up of 250 Euro/month in addition to the regular monthly Erasmus grant for the entire period of their study or internship abroad.

These include:

  • Students with disabilities (GdB of 20 or more)
  • Students with chronic illness (who have a higher financial burden during their study abroad)
  • Students who start their study abroad with child(ren)
  • First-time students
  • Working students

Top Up: "Green Travel"

Refers to the outward & return journey to the target destination of the study or internship abroad, using low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or carpooling for the majority of the journey. If at least 50% of the outward and return journey is covered by Green Travel, you will benefit from the Green Travel Top Up in the amount of 50 Euro. If you need more time to travel to and/or from your destination due to Green Travel, you can receive up to 4 additional days of funding.

Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility

ISM places special emphasis on internationality in the area of teaching. Every semester, ISM welcomes international guest lecturers and sends selected lecturers to an Erasmus partner university for a guest lectureship. In this way, the teaching offer is enriched and the exchange of knowledge and experience about pedagogical methods is promoted. The Erasmus+ lecturer mobility is organized by the International Office.

More information about the Erasmus+ program can be found on the websites of the EU Commission and the DAAD.

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility

ISM staff (administration) can also participate in stays abroad supported by Erasmus+ funds. All administrative staff can apply for this staff development measure and contact the International Office if they are interested. These measures must be coordinated in advance with the respective supervisor (head of department) and the management. Staff from the Erasmus partner universities can also come to ISM for a staff development measure.


The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides scholarships for study visits abroad. Through the program, study stays at ISM are supported worldwide. With the help of the PROMOS scholarships, ISM would like to increase the international mobility of students and support qualitatively demanding semesters abroad.

The funding consists of a monthly, country-dependent partial scholarship rate between 300 - 400 Euro/month. The decision on the duration of the sponsorship is taken by the International Office. Simultaneous funding from other national programs (Erasmus, DAAD) is not possible. BAföG recipients must indicate the support from the PROMOS program when applying for BAföG abroad. Please note: funding is available to high-achieving German students enrolled in a full-time Bachelor's or Master's program.

For more information, please visit the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

STIBET I Scholarship (DAAD)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides the combined scholarship and mentoring program (STIBET) with funding from the German Foreign Office (Auslandsamt AA). With the help of the STIBET program, ISM aims to support foreign students and thus strengthen international partnerships. Through the STIBET, measures and activities specifically tailored to the needs of foreign students are to be created in order to ensure hospitable and performance-promoting support.

Funding is provided to high-achieving, international students enrolled in a full-time bachelor's or master's program. The selection is made by the ISM. For more information, please contact the International Office.

UAS.International Scholarship (DAAD)

Our ISM students have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship from the DAAD as part of the UAS (HAW) International program. This scholarship program is offered specifically to students from universities of applied sciences who are completing a semester or internship abroad or going abroad as part of their final thesis. There are several application deadlines per year for the extensive financial benefits for stays abroad with shorter periods of stay. For more information, please visit this page.