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Impetus on the four-wheeled future: Guest lecture with car expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer

Whether it's discussions about autonomous driving, the search for the best alternative to the combustion engine or the shift in global market shares - what's happening in the automotive industry right now is more exciting than ever.

To learn first-hand how the sector is developing and which trends have the potential to shape our mobility in the long term, ISM students of M.Sc. International Management and M.Sc. International Logistics & Supply Chain Management were able to exchange ideas in a guest lecture with renowned automotive researcher Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Dudenhöffer. One of the topics discussed was the importance of the Chinese car market, which has become the number one market in the world over the past 15 years.

"China dominates the market and this will not change in the future. Both the German car industry and the entire automotive world are no longer imaginable without China," says Dudenhöffer. With political regulations, China is the driving force behind the change towards battery electric vehicles, in which the future lies according to the expert: "If we want to become CO2-neutral, we cannot take the combustion engine with us into the future. For that, we need electric vehicles with batteries that are becoming more and more efficient."

The presentation, including a lively Q&A session moderated by program director and logistics expert Prof. Dr. Anna Quitt, was a great opportunity for the students to underpin their academic knowlege with practical insights and to gain impetus for their future careers. "I am planning to establish myself in the automotive industry after graduation, either on the supplier or retailer side," shares Richard Keller, who is studying International Management in his second master's semester and has already gained his own practical experience in the industry. "To study abstract concepts and models, I prefer examples from the automotive industry. The discussion with Prof Dudenhöffer was ideal for this."